This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
"Wideband Steps Up to Fill the Gap," Eric E. Johnson, Signal Magazine, April 2020.
"Wideband ALE - The Next Generation of HF," Eric E. Johnson, invited paper, Proceedings of HF '16, Faro, Sweden, Aug 2016.
"Staring Link Establishment for High-Frequency Radio," Eric E. Johnson, invited paper, Proceedings of MILCOM 2015, IEEE*, Tampa, FL, Oct 2015.
"Performance Envelope of Broadband HF Data Waveforms," (WBHF Applications) Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2009, IEEE*, Boston, MA, Oct 2009.
"IP Multicasting in HF Radio Networks," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2008, IEEE*, San Diego, CA, Nov 2008.
"NVIS Communications During The Solar Minimum," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2007, IEEE*, Orlando, FL, Oct 2007.
"HF Radio Mesh Networks," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2006, IEEE*, Washington, DC, Oct 2006.
"Performance of Routing Protocols in HF Wireless Networks," Eric E. Johnson, Manikanden Balakrishnan, and Zibin Tang, Proceedings of MILCOM 2005, IEEE*, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct 2005.
"Token Relay with Optimistic Joining," Eric E. Johnson, Zibin Tang, and Manikanden Balakrishnan, Proceedings of MILCOM 2005, IEEE*, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct 2005.
"A Third-Generation Multicast Protocol for HF Wireless Networks," Huiyan Zhang and Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2005, IEEE*, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct 2005.
"Performance of the HF Token Protocol," EE Johnson, G Anaya, Z Tang, M Balakrishnan, H Zhang, and S Sreepuram, Proceedings of MILCOM 2004, IEEE*, Monterey, CA, Nov 2004.
"Queueing Analysis of DCHF and HF Token Protocol with Varying Turnaround Time," M Balakrishnan and EE Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM 2004, IEEE*, Monterey, CA, Nov 2004.
"Routing in HF Ad-Hoc WANs," EE Johnson, Z Tang, M Balakrishnan, H Zhang, and S Sreepuram, Proceedings of MILCOM 2004, IEEE*, Monterey, CA, Nov 2004.
" Robust Token Management for Unreliable Networks," Eric E. Johnson, et al, Proceedings of MILCOM 2003, IEEE*, Boston, October 2003.
"Impact of Turnaround Time on Wireless MAC Protocols," Eric E. Johnson, et al, Proceedings of MILCOM 2003, IEEE*, Boston, October 2003.
" ARQ Protocol Features for HF Radio Links," Proceedings of 2002 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2002), IEEE*, Anaheim, CA, October 2002.
" Interactions Among Ionospheric Propagation, HF Modems, and Data Protocols," Proceedings of the 2002 Ionospheric Effects Symposium, IES '02, Alexandria, VA, May 2002.
" Interoperability and Performance Issues in HF E-Mail," Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2001), IEEE*, McLean, VA, October 2001.
" Analysis of Third-Generation HF ALE Technologies," Proceedings of 2000 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2000), IEEE*, Los Angeles, CA, October 2000.
" Simulation Results for Third-Generation HF Automatic Link Establishment," Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM '99), IEEE*, Atlantic City, NJ, October 1999.
" Third-Generation Technologies for HF Radio Networking," Proceedings of 1998 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM '98), IEEE*, Boston, MA, October 1998.
" U.S. MIL-STD-188-141B Appendix C - A Unified 3rd Generation HF Messaging Protocol," Eric E. Johnson, et al, Proceedings of 1998 Nordic Shortwave Radio Conference (HF '98), August 1998.
" Fast Propagation Predictions for HF Network Simulations," Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM '97), IEEE*, Monterey, CA.
" Asymptotic Throughput of the FED-STD-1052 Data Link Protocol," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM '96, IEEE*, October 1996.
"HNMP: Remote Control and Management Protocol for HF Radio Networks," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM '95, IEEE*, October 1995.
" HF Radio in the International Information Infrastructure," Eric E. Johnson, invited paper, Nordic Shortwave Radio Conference (HF '95), August 1995.
" HF SChEMe: A Skywave Channel Error Model," Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM '94, IEEE*, October 1994.
"Advanced Link Quality Analysis for ALE HF Radio," Robert Desourdis and Eric E. Johnson, Proceedings of MILCOM '93, IEEE*, October 1993.
" Evaluation of HF ALE Linking Protection," Eric E. Johnson and Roy Moore, Proceedings of MILCOM '93, IEEE*, October 1993.
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