This is a copy of one node from the Info file internals-1. For full information on installing and porting GCC, refer to the internals manual: Info file internals TeX output internals.dvi TeX source internals.texinfo Installing GNU CC ***************** Here is the procedure for installing GNU CC on a Unix system. * Menu: * VMS Install:: See below for installation on VMS. 1. Edit `Makefile'. If you are using HPUX, or any form of system V, you must make a few changes described in comments at the beginning of the file. 2. On a Sequent system, go to the Berkeley universe. 3. Choose configuration files. * Make a symbolic link named `config.h' to the top-level config file for the machine you are using (*Note Config::.). This file is responsible for defining information about the host machine. It includes `tm.h'. The file's name should be `config-MACHINE.h'. On VMS, use `config-vms.h' rather than `config-vax.h'. On the HP 9000 series 300, use `config-hp9k3.h' rather than `config-m68k.h'. If your system does not support symbolic links, you might want to set up `config.h' to contain a `#include' command which refers to the appropriate file. * Make a symbolic link named `tm.h' to the machine-description macro file for your machine (its name should be `tm-MACHINE.h'). For the 68000/68020, do not use `tm-m68k.h' directly; instead use one of the files `tm-sun3.h', `tm-sun2.h', `tm-isi68.h', `tm-news800.h' or `tm-3b1.h'. Each of those files includes `tm-m68k.h' but sets up a few things differently as appropriate to the specific model of machine. There are two files you can use for a 680x0 running HPUX: `tm-hp9k320.h' and `tm-hp9k320g.h'. Use the former if you are installing GNU CC alone. The latter is for another option where GNU CC together with the GNU assembler, linker, debugger and other utilities are used to replace all of HPUX that deals with compilation. Not all of the pieces of GNU software needed for this mode of operation are as yet in distribution; full instructions will appear here in the future. For the vax, use `tm-vax.h' on Unix, or `tm-vms.h' on VMS. For the SPARC, use `tm-sparc.h'. Note that the SPARC support *has a fatal bug*; to use it, you will have to debug it. For the 32000, use `tm-sequent.h' if you are using a Sequent machine, or `tm-encore.h' for an Encore machine; otherwise, perhaps `tm-ns32k.h' will work for you. If you are trying to use GNU CC on GENIX, you may need to get the version of `malloc' from GNU Emacs instead of the system library version, and you probably need to cause the following assembler code to be executed in `crt0.o' in order to run the GNU CC output: lprd sb,$0 sprd mod,r0 movqd $0,0(r0) Note that Encore systems are supported only under BSD. * Make a symbolic link named `md' to the machine description pattern file (its name should be `'). * Make a symbolic link named `aux-output.c' to the output subroutine file for your machine (its name should be `OUTPUT-MACHINE.c'). 4. Make sure the Bison parser generator is installed. (This is unnecessary if the Bison output files `' and `cexp.c' are more recent than `parse.y' and `cexp.y' and you do not plan to change the `.y' files.) Note that if you have an old version of Bison you may get an error from the line with the `%expect' directive. If so, simply remove that line from `parse.y' and proceed. 5. If you are using a Sun, make sure the environment variable `FLOAT_OPTION' is not set. If this option were set to `f68881' when `gnulib' is compiled, the resulting code would demand to be linked with a special startup file and will not link properly without special pains. 6. Build the compiler. Just type `make' in the compiler directory. 7. Move the first-stage object files and executables into a subdirectory with this command: make stage1 The files are moved into a subdirectory named `stage1'. Once installation is complete, you may wish to delete these files with `rm -r stage1'. 8. Recompile the compiler with itself, with this command: make CC=stage1/gcc CFLAGS="-g -O -Bstage1/" On a 68000 or 68020 system lacking floating point hardware, unless you have selected a `tm.h' file that expects by default that there is no such hardware, do this instead: make CC=stage1/gcc CFLAGS="-g -O -Bstage1/ -msoft-float" 9. If you wish to test the compiler by compiling it with itself one more time, do this: make stage2 make CC=stage2/gcc CFLAGS="-g -O -Bstage2/" foreach file (*.o) cmp $file stage2/$file end This will notify you if any of these stage 3 object files differs from those of stage 2. Any difference, no matter how innocuous, indicates that the stage 2 compiler has compiled GNU CC incorrectly, and is therefore a potentially serious bug which you should investigate and report (*Note Bugs::.). 10. Install the compiler driver, the compiler's passes and run-time support. You can use the following command: make install This copies the files `cc1', `cpp' and `gnulib' to files `gcc-cc1', `gcc-cpp' and `gcc-gnulib' in directory `/usr/local/lib', which is where the compiler driver program looks for them. It also copies the driver program `gcc' into the directory `/usr/local', so that it appears in typical execution search paths. *Warning: the GNU CPP may not work for `ioctl.h', `ttychars.h' and other system header files unless the `-traditional' option is used.* The bug is in the header files: at least on some machines, they rely on behavior that is incompatible with ANSI C. This behavior consists of substituting for macro argument names when they appear inside of character constants. The `-traditional' option tells GNU CC to behave the way these headers expect. Because of this problem, you might prefer to configure GNU CC to use the system's own C preprocessor. To do so, make the file `/usr/local/lib/gcc-cpp' a link to `/lib/cpp'. Alternatively, on Sun systems and 4.3BSD at least, you can correct the include files by running the shell script `fixincludes'. This installs modified, corrected copies of the files `ioctl.h', `ttychars.h' and many others, in a special directory where only GNU CC will normally look for them. See the file `fixincludes' for a list of all the files we know to require correction. If you cannot install the compiler's passes and run-time support in `/usr/local/lib', you can alternatively use the `-B' option to specify a prefix by which they may be found. The compiler concatenates the prefix with the names `cpp', `cc1' and `gnulib'. Thus, you can put the files in a directory `/usr/foo/gcc' and specify `-B/usr/foo/gcc/' when you run GNU CC. Also, you can specify an alternative default directory for these files by setting the Make variable `libdir' when you make GNU CC.  File: internals, Node: VMS Install, Prev: Installation, Up: Installation Installing GNU CC on VMS ======================== The VMS version of GNU CC is distributed in an unusual tape format which consists of several tape files. The first is a command file; the second is an executable program which reads Unix tar format; the third is another command file which uses this program to read the remainder of the tape. To load the tape, it suffices to mount it `/foreign' and then do `@mta0:' to execute the command file at the beginning of the tape. The tape contains executables and object files as well as sources, so no compilation is necessary unless you change the sources. (This is a good thing, since you probably don't have any other C compiler.) If you must recompile, here is how: 1. Copy the file `tm-vms.h' to `tm.h', `config-vms.h' to `config.h', `' to `md.' and `output-vax.c' to `aux-output.c'. 2. Type `@make' to do recompile everything. To install the `GCC' command so you can use the compiler easily, in the same manner as you use the VMS C compiler, you must install the VMS CLD file for GNU CC as follows: 1. Define the VMS logical names `GNU_CC' and `GNU_CC_INCLUDE' to point to the directories where the GNU CC executables (`gcc-cpp', `gcc-cc1', etc.) and the C include files are kept. This should be done with the commands: $ assign /super /system disk:[gcc] gnu_cc $ assign /super /system disk:[gcc.include] gnu_cc_include with the appropriate disk and directory names. These commands can be placed in your system startup file so they will be executed whenever the machine is rebooted. 2. Install the `GCC' command with the command line: $ set command /table=sys$library:dcltables gnu_cc:gcc Now you can invoke the compiler with a command like `gcc /verbose file.c', which is equivalent to the command `gcc -v -c file.c' in Unix.