HF Radio Tech Reports

" The Walnut Street Model of Ionospheric HF Radio Propagation," NMSU Technical Report, May 1997.

" High-Speed Computation of Cyclic Redundancy Checks," Eric E. Johnson, Technical Report NMSU-ECE-95-011, November 1995.

"Time Distribution for Application Level 2 and 3 Linking Protection," Eric E. Johnson, February 2, 1992, (revised August 6, 1992)

"A 24-bit Encryption Algorithm for Linking Protection (Johnson Algorithm)," Eric E. Johnson, USAISEC Technical Report ASQB-OSO-S-TR-92-04, March 1992

"Time Iteration Protocol for TOD Clock Synchronization," Eric E. Johnson, January 1992

"An Efficient Golay Codec for MIL-STD-188-141A and FED-STD-1045," Eric E. Johnson, Technical Report NMSU-ECE-91-001, February 1991

"Addition of a 49th Bit to the MITRE HF ALE Waveform," Eric E. Johnson, Technical Report PRC-EEJ-88-002, March 1988